Monday, September 29, 2008

U.S. Corporation Wins Award for Emissions-Lowering Fuel Reformulator

African Environmental Agencies Praise Effectiveness of Ethos FR®

U.S. Corporation Wins Award for Emissions-Lowering Fuel Reformulator

Ethos Environmental, Inc., a San Diego-based company, received the prestigious West African Institute of Direct Marketing Award for providing the best fuel-saving product in the region.

Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator, a blend of fuel reformulating esters that increase fuel efficiency while decreasing harmful emissions, is being used in several African countries to combat growing pollution problems.

John Chika Uyanwune, managing director of Chika Oil & Gas Ltd. and a distributor of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator in Africa, commented that "the majority of African cars and trucks are older vehicles imported from Europe or Japan, with most vehicles over 8 years old. Engines used for that length of time -- especially under the harsh conditions and sub-standard maintenance common in Africa -- experience significant carbon build-up and a corresponding loss in fuel efficiency. Thus, African vehicles typically average only 75% fuel efficiency for Japanese cars and 50% for cars made in Europe. It has been estimated that Nigeria alone loses millions of dollars each day to widespread fuel inefficiency."

In Nigeria, the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator has produced remarkable results on aging vehicles, with fuel efficiency returning close to 100% with continued use, and up to 20% improvement in fuel economy.

After a technical, scientific and economic evaluation of Ethos Fuel Reformulator, the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Environment has endorsed the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator for its effectiveness in reducing fuel consumption and curbing harmful emissions. The Nigerian army, Union Bank Nigeria, and numerous additional organizations have implemented the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator.

Elsewhere in Africa, Uganda's National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is the organization charged with coordinating, monitoring and supervising all activities in the field of the environment. According to NEMA's managing director, Michael Kinyua, "the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator increases efficiency of combustion, ultimately reducing emission of smoke and fuel usage. Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator boosts viscosity of lubricants making the engine last longer."

Ethos Environmental, Inc. is proud to provide a product that supports environmental efforts in Nigeria and Uganda, and will continue to share the benefits of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator with countries across the African continent.

For more information, please visit

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Two More Florida Cities Mandate Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator for All City Vehicles

Two More Florida Cities Mandate Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator for All City Vehicles

Boca Raton, Bal Harbor Joining North Miami in Green Efforts

SAN DIEGO, CA-Jun 25, 2008 --Ethos Environmental, Inc., a San Diego-based company, announced that two more south Florida municipalities have joined the City of North Miami in mandating the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator in all city vehicles. In March of this year, the City of North Miami completed a testing protocol that resulted in a 12.5% improvement in fuel economy and a 19.34% reduction in harmful emissions with the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator. Based on those results, North Miami mandated the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator for the entire city fleet.

Now, neighboring communities Bal Harbor and Boca Raton have completed their own testing periods. Bal Harbor Mayor Howard Berlin, along with the City Council, confirmed that the city's test vehicles showed a 12.6% improvement in fuel economy along with a reduction in harmful emissions -- as measured in opacity -- of 34%. Bal Harbor will be using Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator in all city vehicles, effective immediately.

In the nearby city of Boca Raton, a four-month testing period on municipal vehicles has also yielded excellent results. Boca Raton has authorized a purchase order to supply Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator for all city vehicles for one year.

Patrick Glennon, president of Ethos Environmental East, Inc., said, "We are very excited that these cities have seen the benefit of using Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator. This is an area of the country with high expectations for air quality and these cities have recognized that by using Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulatorr they can bring immediate improvement to their environment and save on fuel budgets too. We commend the cities of Bal Harbor and Boca Raton for their extensive testing, and we look forward to continuing our service to them."

Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator is an ester-based fuel reformulating product that reduces harmful emissions while improving both fuel mileage and engine performance. Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator's ability to integrate easily with existing fueling infrastructures makes it both an effective and realistic pro-environmental step that can be implemented by companies and municipalities of all sizes.

For additional information, please visit

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator Wins Title as Official Fuel Reformulator for Firestone Indy Lights Series

Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator Wins Title as Official Fuel Reformulator for Firestone Indy Lights Series

Product From Ethos Environmental Has Cars Running Cleaner, Farther

INDIANAPOLIS, IN--(Marketwire - May 20, 2008) - On the eve of the 2008 Firestone Freedom 100 race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, officials have named Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator the Official Fuel Reformulator of the Firestone Indy Lights Series. After testing at the Homestead-Miami Speedway in March, Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator won the organization's approval by reducing friction, lowering emissions, and increasing fuel mileage in FILS cars.

Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator is manufactured by Ethos Environmental, Inc., a San Diego-based corporation that produces award-winning fuel reformulating products to help industries meet environmental regulations and relieve skyrocketing fuel costs. Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator uses ester technology to lubricate and clean engines, resulting in an average 7-19% increase in miles per gallon, reduced emissions of 30% or more, and increased vehicle performance.

Each year, the Firestone Indy Lights Series brings the Firestone Freedom 100 to the fabled Brickyard on the Friday before the Indianapolis 500. By using Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator, the Firestone Indy Lights cars will experience the benefits seen by Indy legend Al Unser Jr., and Indy Lights driver Al Unser III, both regular users who have endorsed Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator.

Al Jr. says, "I believe wholeheartedly in the Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator product. The adoption of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator for the Firestone Indy Lights Series proves once again that the Indy Racing League is always finding new ways to promote going green."

Roger Bailey, executive director of the Firestone Indy Lights Series, agrees: "The Indy Racing League has been the standard bearer in the greening of motorsports. We've been considering our options in how to make our series greener, and adding Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator was the best way for us to do our part for the environment."

Butch Meyer, technical director for the Firestone Indy Lights Series, adds: "The Indy Racing League has always been an innovator in bringing revolutionary products from the race track to the consumer. Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator is a product that people need to know about with fuel prices on the rise."

Miguel Gallimore, president of For Earth, Inc., says: "We're proud to be a team sponsor of the Firestone Indy Lights Series because the Indy Racing League understands the importance of the green initiative. The Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator product is all natural, reduces emissions, and improves gas mileage. Now it's going into the Firestone Indy Lights Series race cars, which is a great opportunity for everyone."

Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator is an ester-based fuel reformulating product that reduces harmful emissions while improving both fuel mileage and engine performance. Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator's ability to integrate easily with existing fueling infrastructures makes it an effective and realistic pro-environmental step that can be implemented by organizations and municipalities of all sizes.

For more information,

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator FAQs


What is Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator (Ethos Fuel Reformulator)?

Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator is a product that is added to fuels to make engines burn fuel more completely. Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator is non-toxic, non-hazardous and works with any fuel used in cars, trucks, buses, ships, trains and generators. Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator is free of carcinogens and is not derived from petroleum. It utilizes cleaning and lubricating esters suspended in a mineral oil base. Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator increases fuel economy and reduces emissions. Commercial fleets on average increase fuel mileage between 7% and 19% and reduce emissions by more than 30%. When added to fuel, Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator reduces the emissions of hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM) and other harmful products of combustion.

How does Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator work?

Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator reformulates any fuel, causing two important benefits. The first benefit is the added lubricity to the engine. The second is adding cleansing properties to the fuel. All of the internal components benefit from the cleansing and lubricating action including the fuel lines, filters, carburetors, spark plugs and injectors. Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator also conditions the engine seals, keeping them tighter longer. A cleaner, more lubricated engine runs smoother, requires less maintenance and reduces engine heat significantly. Horsepower returns closer to the manufacturer’s specifications. Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator removes carbon deposits that cause fuel to combust incompletely, resulting in wasted fuel that creates toxic emissions. The combination of cleaning and lubricating esters in Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator stabilize the fuel without changing its specifications.

What is an Ester?

An ester is a group of liquid or solid compounds formed by the reaction of an acid and an alcohol with the elimination of water. There are organic and synthetic esters. For example most natural oils, fats and waxes are esters. More common esters are beer, soap and polyester used in clothing.Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator contains non-toxic, non-hazardous synthetic esters. In Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator a group of low molecular weight esters clean the dirty deposits formed by fuels and the combustion process. These deposits lower performance of an engine making it less fuel-efficient. Causing it to exhaust raw fuel, which is the primary contributor to pollution. A group of high molecular weight esters lubricate the engine surfaces as the fuel runs through it. Their molecular structure is small enough to penetrate the metal and form a lubricating layer between surfaces. This process allows the moving components of an engine to operate smoother and with less power-robbing friction and heat.

Is Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator an Additive?

EPA registered additives are derived from petroleum. Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator is a reformulator, even though you “add it” to the fuel. Ethos is non-toxic and non-hazardous. Ethos for Earth Fuel Reformulator cleans and lubricates the internal parts of the engine without the use of petroleum derived products commonly found in fuel additives. Allowing the engine to burn fuel more efficiently thereby, reducing emissions.

For more information, visit

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator Use With Diesel Fuels

Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator Use With Diesel Fuels

A major percentage of all problems with diesel engines are related to fuel quality. Diesel fuel can sometimes vary from one shipment to another or from one area to another. Customers also switch from one fuel vendor to another and suppliers sometimes change the fuel they are offering. The three things that vary the most in diesel fuel are cetane, weight and viscosity. Cetane is defined as the susceptibility of the fuel to self ignite. Acceptable cetane levels are between 40 and 45; however, very few fuel distributors advertise this since each batch may be different. Cetane can influence both starting and combustion roughness of an engine. High altitudes and low temperatures demand increased cetane number of the fuel.

The weight of the fuel or specific gravity plays a major role in the heat content of the fuel. Number 1 is a "lighter" grade while number 2 is "heavier" or weighs more per gallon. While the lighter fuel (#1) has a lower "cloud point" and may provide better starting in cold temperatures, the heavier fuel (#2) has better lubricating qualities and actually contains more heat units (BTU’s) per volume. Assuming the fuels are the same price, better fuel economy is obtained by using #2.

The third aspect of fuel to consider is viscosity. Since "lighter" (#1) fuel is less dense it becomes thinner when heated than the heavier #2 fuel. When this occurs more fuel begins to leak through the high pressure parts of the injection pump which actually causes the injection pump to pump less fuel. As the fuel temperature continues to increase, more fuel is lost through leakage and this results in a power loss of between 1% and 7%.

Taking all these things into consideration #2 diesel fuel is the best all around fuel for the diesel engine. Buying fuel from a reputable dealer is a good way to insure high quality fuel. The best ones seem to be places that move a lot of diesel fuel such as truck stops, etc. The only way to insure your fuel quality is to treat it yourself and since every tank may be different every tank will need to be treated. A vital reason to continue reading the next section of this Ethos for Earth's article.

Why do I need to treat my diesel fuel?

A treatment is needed when the diesel fuel is lacking a substance or has a contaminant. The most common reason for treating diesel fuel is to provide extra lubrication. Almost every fuel injection component requires the diesel fuel to lubricate at least some part of that component. Since low sulfur fuel was introduced, the lubricating quality of diesel fuel has varied greatly. Some suppliers put in an additive for this and some do not. Each tank of fuel you fill up with can be different. Since low sulfur fuel began being used in on-highway vehicles we've seen the life expectancy of the fuel injection system drop as much as 25%. This is great for the repair business but bad for diesel vehicles in general especially since fuel injection components keep getting more and more expensive to repair. Taking this into consideration, treating diesel fuel with a lubricant is more like an insurance policy against wear and although it does not stop the wear, consistent use can delay repairs considerably.

With cleaning and lubricating esters, Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator is on the cutting edge of fuel lubrication technology. Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator causes fuel to burn more completely, raising the BTU output of diesel fuels, resulting in a net gain in mileage above it's cost. When you add up extended repair intervals plus fuel savings dividends, Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator really multiplies the number of advantages to the user.

For more information, visit

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ethos For Earth Fuel Reformulator

Ethos For Earth Fuel Reformulator

Extends Engine Life

The greatest savings from using Ethos For Earth's Fuel Reformulator are engine maintenance costs. Ethos For Earth's Fuel Reformulator lubricates the walls of the combustion chamber to help prevent engine damage. Engines break down and operate inefficiently because of the long term wear and tear on vital engine parts. By lubricating these parts with the Fuel Reformulator, you are increasing the longevity of your vehicle.

Save Money on Fuel Cost

Every time you fill up at the pump, Ethos For Earth's Fuel Reformulator saves you 7% to 19% on average. With millions of miles in road tests, Ethos For Earth's Fuel Reformulator offers a cost effective solution to relieve the skyrocketing price of fuel and helps decrease the amount of toxic emissions released by your vehicle. By using Ethos For Earth's Fuel Reformulator, consumers are addressing two side effects: wasted fuel and air pollution. Fuel burns inefficiently in internal combustion engines, and that inefficiency leads to wasted fuel which transforms into toxic emissions. Ethos For Earth's fuel reformulator helps your engine burn fuel more efficiently so it significantly improved both of these adverse effects. Most important, the use of Ethos For Earth's Fuel Reformulator results in a fuel cost savings to the customer.

Reduced Harmful Emissions 30% or More

Ethos For Earth's Fuel Reformulator provides and immediate cost effective strategy for reducing air pollution cause by fossil fuels and internal combustion engines. Ethos For Earth's Fuel Reformulator works with all fuels.

When an engine uses fuel to the maximum degree possible, it has important benefits such as:

  • Reducing fuel consumption.
  • Reducing non-combusted residues that an engine expels in the form of exhaust, such as hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, particle matter and other harmful products of combustion. Ethos For Earth's Fuel Reformulator is 99.99% ash-less upon combustion.


  • Non-toxic and non-hazardous.
  • Increases fuel economy.
  • Reduces toxic emissions.
  • Burns 99.9-9% clean.
  • Reduces heat and friction.
  • Works in any internal combustion engine.
  • Cleans and lubricates engine parts.
  • Safe for the environment.
  • Easy to use.
  • Fill your tank less frequently.
  • Improves your vehicle performance.
  • Works with any fuel.
  • Less maintenance costs.
  • 100% natural and biodegradable.
For more information on Ethos For Earth, please visit