Monday, September 29, 2008

U.S. Corporation Wins Award for Emissions-Lowering Fuel Reformulator

African Environmental Agencies Praise Effectiveness of Ethos FR®

U.S. Corporation Wins Award for Emissions-Lowering Fuel Reformulator

Ethos Environmental, Inc., a San Diego-based company, received the prestigious West African Institute of Direct Marketing Award for providing the best fuel-saving product in the region.

Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator, a blend of fuel reformulating esters that increase fuel efficiency while decreasing harmful emissions, is being used in several African countries to combat growing pollution problems.

John Chika Uyanwune, managing director of Chika Oil & Gas Ltd. and a distributor of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator in Africa, commented that "the majority of African cars and trucks are older vehicles imported from Europe or Japan, with most vehicles over 8 years old. Engines used for that length of time -- especially under the harsh conditions and sub-standard maintenance common in Africa -- experience significant carbon build-up and a corresponding loss in fuel efficiency. Thus, African vehicles typically average only 75% fuel efficiency for Japanese cars and 50% for cars made in Europe. It has been estimated that Nigeria alone loses millions of dollars each day to widespread fuel inefficiency."

In Nigeria, the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator has produced remarkable results on aging vehicles, with fuel efficiency returning close to 100% with continued use, and up to 20% improvement in fuel economy.

After a technical, scientific and economic evaluation of Ethos Fuel Reformulator, the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Environment has endorsed the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator for its effectiveness in reducing fuel consumption and curbing harmful emissions. The Nigerian army, Union Bank Nigeria, and numerous additional organizations have implemented the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator.

Elsewhere in Africa, Uganda's National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is the organization charged with coordinating, monitoring and supervising all activities in the field of the environment. According to NEMA's managing director, Michael Kinyua, "the use of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator increases efficiency of combustion, ultimately reducing emission of smoke and fuel usage. Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator boosts viscosity of lubricants making the engine last longer."

Ethos Environmental, Inc. is proud to provide a product that supports environmental efforts in Nigeria and Uganda, and will continue to share the benefits of Ethos for Earth's Fuel Reformulator with countries across the African continent.

For more information, please visit

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